WOD: Leg Workout

WOD: Leg Workout


Barbell Squats
Sets: 5
Reps: 10
Weight: 135, 165, 185, 205, 225 (6)

Wreck Bag (50 pounds)
Wreck Bag Walking Lunge
4 trips: 50 yards

Giant Set
Glute Bridge
Reps: 10
Leg Extension
Reps: 15 each leg, then 15 both legs;45 total
Lying Hamstring Curl
Reps: 15 each leg, then 15 both legs;45 total
Back Extension
Reps: 15 

Superset: 3 rounds
Donkey Calf Raise
Reps: 20
Seated Machine Calf Raise
Reps: 20

Finisher: 1 round
Wreck Bag Squat Clean: 10
Burpees: 30
Push-up with Renegade Row: 5 each arm
Pullups: 10
Cannonball Situps: 10

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