WOD: 8.12.16: Shoulders and Biceps #barrosofit
The "Shoulders and Biceps" part of this workout originally appeared in the December 2015 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine on the "FST-7 Blueprint Training Split" poster. I started the workout with my own abs circuit then moved onto the FST-7 shoulders and biceps.
Giant Set: Do 3 rounds. Rest as needed in between sets.
1A) Ab Core Ab Machine Crunch (see video below)
Reps: 60 (20 left, 20 middle, 20 right)
2A) Ab Rollout
Reps: 20
3A) Machine V-Up (see video below)
4A) Swiss Ball Crunch+Situps
Reps: 30
I performed the FST-7 Lateral Raise with dumbbells did the FST-7 Straight Bar Spider Curls as a superset.