Strengthen Your Core with this 15-Minute Dumbbell Abs Workout
Work your front abs, obliques, and lower back muscles in this quick interval training session.
Whether you’re at home, outside, or at the gym, this 15-minute workout is designed to work your front abs (rectus abdominis), side abs (obliques), lower back muscles and give you a great cardiovascular workout too. For the more advanced fitness follower, do the bonus finisher at the end to really challenge your core and burn calories.
This workout has 2 parts (3, including the bonus finisher). Part 1 is a timed high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout. Part 2 is a couplet, or two exercises done alternating for a prescribed number of time. Equipment Needed: 2 dumbbells. If training at home, you can use water gallons or long water bottles.
DIRECTIONS: Perform 3 Rounds of the 3 exercises as a circuit, going from 1 to 2 to 3. Do each exercise for 30 seconds, resting 30 seconds between each exercise. During Round 3, substitute the X-Up exercise for the V-Up exercise.
1. Dumbbell Swing
Dumbbell Swing
How to Do It: You’ll only need 1 dumbbell for this move. Stand tall with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, and grab the dumbbell at the handle (middle part) with both hands. One hand will be above the other and the weight is held between the legs. This is the starting position. Simultaneously bend your knees, push your hips backward and swing the weight between your legs. Then, push your hips forward as you straighten your legs and swing the weight to eye level. That’s one rep. Stay upright; don’t bend your back forward throughout this motion.
Weight: no more than 20lbs.
2. Dumbbell X-Up
Dumbbell X-Up
How to Do It: You’ll only need 1 dumbbell for this move. Lie on your back with arms and legs spread out like an “X” shape or like the widest part of a “snow angel.” Grab a dumbbell with both hands and straighten your arms over your right side while still lying on your back. This is the starting position. Bring the weight from above the right shoulder all the way to the outside of your knee. Your torso will be all the way off the floor but your legs stay flat on the floor. Return the back down with straight arms and resume the starting position. That’s one rep. Do all the reps on this side for round 1, then during round 2, go from the left shoulder side to the outside of the right knee with the dumbbell.
During Round 3, do a V-Up aka “jackknife” with the dumbbell. So, the starting position is both legs straight and together with both hands on one dumbbell and arms straight above overhead like you’re stretching your back in the morning. Bring the weight to touch your toes by raising the arms and legs as high as possible simultaneously. Return back to the starting position. That’s one rep.
Weight: No more than 10lbs.
3. Dumbbell Cannonball Situp
Dumbell Cannonball Situp
How to Do It: Lie on your back with one dumbbell in each hand and your arms straight out to the sides like you’re in a “T” shape. This is the starting position. Raise your torso off the ground as you bend both knees into your chest and bring the weights to touch each other in front your knees. You can do this without the weights too. Without weights, it looks like you’re doing a “cannonball” into a pool except you’re starting the motion from your back and not a diving board. If using weights, return the weight back to each side and against the floor as you straighten your legs back out in front of you and on the ground like in the starting position. That’s one rep.
Total Time: 10 minutes
DIRECTIONS: Do exercise 1 for 40 seconds, rest for 20 seconds then move onto exercise 2. Repeat for a total of 2 rounds. Rest 30 seconds between round 1 and 2.
1. Dumbbell Burpee and Press
Dumbbell Burpee and Press
How to Do It: Standing hold a dumbbell with one hand on each end so the dumbbell is horizontal. This is the starting position. Squat down with the back straight and place the dumbbell on the floor. Now, hop (or step if you can’t hop) back until you’re in the top of a pushup position. Do a pushup (or not, if you can’t) then hop (or step) back so you’re in the bottom of a squat position. In this low crouched position, grab the dumbbell with one hand on each side and stand up. As you stand, drag the weight up your body until it is at the top of your chest. Now, press the weight over your head by extending your arms towards the ceiling. Bring the weight back down to your hips. That’s one rep.
Weight: No more than 20lbs.
2. Dumbbell Front Drag
Dumbbell Front Drag
How to Do It: Start in the top of a pushup (front plank on your palms) with the right hand holding the dumbbell in a neutral (palms facing the center) grip. This is the starting position. Keeping your back straight, drag the dumbbell against the floor down towards the right leg then return it to the starting position. Then, slide the dumbbell under your body until it’s under your left hand then return to the starting position Next, slide the dumbbell diagonally and downwards towards the left foot as you raise your hips then return to the starting position. That third motion is a “pike.” That’s all one rep on the right side. Alternate sides every repetition.
Weight: no more than 10 lbs.
Total Time: 4 min 10 seconds
As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 5 Minutes
20 Wide Mountain Climbers (10 each side)
Wide Mountain Climber
How to Do It: Start in a pushup position with core engaged. Bring right foot to outside of right hand then return it back to the starting position. Next, bring your left foot to the outside of your left hand. That’s one rep each side. Do 10 reps each. Keep your back as straight as possible throughout the motion.
DB Situp with Pass
20 Dumbbell Situp and Pass (10 with weight, 10 without weight)
How to Do It: Lie on your back with knees bent at 90 degrees. Hold one dumbbell in each hand using an overhand grip with arms straight and weights above the face like you’re trying to punch the ceiling. This is the starting position. While holding the weights, do a situp, bringing each dumbbell to the outside of each ankle. Place the dumbbells on the floor and return back to the starting position but without the weights in hand. Now, do another situp and grab the dumbbells again at the top of the situp. Keeping your arms straight, return back to the starting position with the weights with arms straight above your face. That’s one rep with the weights and one rep without the weights. Do 10 reps with the weights and 10 without weights for a total of 20 reps.
Weight: no more than 15lbs each hand
20 DB Side Bend
Dumbbell Side Bend
How to Do It: Stand holding a dumbbell at your side with one hand using a neutral grip.
Bend your torso to that side as far as you can without tilting your back forward. Return the weight towards the side of your hip. That’s one rep on one side. Don’t bend to the opposite side. Do 10 reps bending to one side, then place the dumbbell in the other hand and do 10 reps on the other side.
Weight: no more than 20 lbs
20 Dumbbell Woodchop (10 each side)
How to Do it: While standing, grab one dumbbell with both hands and place it outside of the right foot. Both knees should be bent and you’ll essentially be coiled up into a ball on your right side. This is the starting position. Create a chopping motion by bringing the dumbbell across your body, straightening both arms above the left shoulder. Reach as high as you can over the left shoulder. Both feet should pivot as you rotate the body from low and right to high and left. Next, return the weight back to the outside of the right foot by pivoting the feet towards the right. That’s one rep. Do five reps from right to left. Then, switch sides, doing 5 reps from the outside of the left foot to as high as possible on the right side.
Weight: no more than 15lbs each hand